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Our Team

At Equipotential we couldn’t carry out our life-changing work without our staff. We have a qualified experienced team that ensures all areas of our operation are covered, together they ensure each rider can reach their full potential and be their best selves.

Devon Tretheway: Programme Lead

Devon works full time coaching and arranging all the programmes, she holds her Certificate in Equine – Therapeutic Riding Coach (Level 5) and has many years’ coaching experience.  She is passionate and committed and finds coaching to be a uniquely rewarding challenge that gives her the chance to unlock potential in everyone she works with.


Dna Wells: Relationship and Training Manager 

Dna has many years’ experience with horses and in therapeutic riding, she holds many qualifications and brings her high level of skill and specialist knowledge. She works part time ensuring our horses, volunteers and staff are all well trained and developing new programmes and opportunities to support the growth of Equipotential.



Kate Jupp: Equine Co-Ordinator

Kate ensures our team of horses are fit for purpose and ready for each day’s sessions. She keeps everything running smoothly in the stabling area, along with taking care of the horse teams’ welfare and health and presentation.

Kylie Borrie: Arena Assistant


Kylie brings to Equipotential her horse skills and knowledge holding the NZ Certificate in Equine Skills. She is developing her coaching skills working part time in our morning programmes and enjoys working with the riders and seeing the progress they make while working on achieving their goals.

Jeanette Dyer: Treasurer


Jeanette works part time ensuring the invoices and accounts are all up to date and that we are within budget. Her years of experience and willingness to try new things, ensures Equipotential continue to move forward and plan.

Kathie Shepard: Funding and administration.


Kathie has been involved with EquiPotential for many years but has recently joined our staff team part time. Bringing her many years of business experience her role includes applying for funding and grants along with the day-to-day administration associated with our organisation.  

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